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انجمن رمان نویسی کافه نویسندگان

با خواندن و نوشتن رشد کنید,به آینده متفاوتی فکر کنید که بیشتر از حالا با خواندن و نوشتن می‌گذرد.در کوچه پس کوچه‌های هفت شهر نوشتن با کافه نویسندگان باشید

ترجمه دلنوشته Translate by diana|Autumn Owl

  • شروع کننده موضوع RIWAN
  • تاریخ شروع
  • بازدیدها 464
  • پاسخ ها 11
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کاربر انجمن
نام فارسی دلنوشته: بوف پاییزی
نام نویسنده: @نبــات

نام مترجم: @diana.zam

I was sitting on the terrace of Aghajoon's house, the same terrace whose iron railings had just been painted blue. They were decorated, the courtyard was a sea of leaves, the dry leaves that I always walk on and the rustling sound of which reminds me of you, you who now do not know where I am. Where is my mind? I want to throw myself from your terrace into your world. By the way, Ms. Joon has left a woolen blanket, she remembers that you love turquoise blue, I remember the precious color of your ring, which is still nice on the finger of your right hand.
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مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر انجمن
The lady was emptying the boxes of tomatoes one by one in the pool, I was sitting on the edge of the pool and I was sitting the tomatoes under the tap, when we were children, the lady would never let us go to the pot, now I had become her assistant, she had upgraded me, the boxes were empty He used to talk, he used to say: In the old days, people could be raised with your look, with their behavior, with their words. Be one of those old earthlings who are waiting for you to remove the dust, put aside the dry leaves of its existence and see what is going on in its heart, the lady was right. You were one of those old earthlings among all these people, even when the leaves of the trees of your heart fell in the fall.
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مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر انجمن
I was sitting on the steps of the porch of your lady's house, chahrazi reading; In the courtyard, a storm of persimmon-colored trees seemed to keep their faces red with a slap, showing off their beauty even without leaves.
The woman was collecting leaves on the pond.
It is no use to fall in love, to be cute, it is not, it is not.
I remember that evening, at Shariati Street, behind a red light, the radio was playing the same song:
Running after deer is no use, it is not, it is not.
The old man knocked on the car window with his hands unconscious from the cold; What should I give Mr. Narges?
I said: Autumn narcissus
You laughed and said you will never forget, you bought a new autumn narcissus and three hands.
Mr. Joon complains that: Autumn has also become a disaster for the yard.
Autumn, along the streets full of Narges Shiraz.
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کاربر انجمن
I miss you for all your optimism for the future, for the peace of mind that pervades my whole being after each time I talk to you, for your wise behavior in every difficult situation, for your pain and heartache and for not listening to your advice, all those sacrifices of oysters And the sugar in your heart melts, for the tone and tone of your scratching voice, the promise that you were going to cut down on your daily cigarettes, for the weekend pizzas that I seemed to be making, the first day of college and the professor's words and my subject for Photography, for the camera now on the shower, the glasses that were always framed on your eyes, I even miss the feeling of jealousy of being every woman around you.
!? Do you remember me at al
I miss you calling me, with the same usual tone that can kill him.
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